Sunday, December 20, 2009

Memories of Dad

Mom wrote this poem at the passing of Grandpa Harley seems appropriate for her as well:

Memories of Dad
He lay alone,
Tho we were there,
And dealt with shadows
And despair.
Who knows what thoughts
Filled his mind,
As death sought
To break the ties that bind.
In agaony,
We watched him there.
We held his hand
And stroked his hair.
There was so little
We could say
As we sat beside him,
Night and day.
He grew weaker
As each day passed.
Till his gentle smile
Was stilled, at last.
We weep,
Because he's here no more.
Yet, know he's safe
On that far shore.
Where all is bright
And, oh so fair!
I know one day
We'll meet him there.

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