Thursday, December 1, 2011

Frank B. Houck

Found this website with information about Frank B. Houck, Leah's grandfather.

There's a photo of his marker and a short obituary...rather interesting. Enjoy!

Ellsworth M. Kutz and his patent

I have been working tonight at the family history center. I found out that Ellsworth M. Kutz, Rob's great grandfather had a patent (#628,584) for a combined chair and cane. Here is a link so you can see the design and patent.
Pretty exciting I think! Enjoy!
Filing date: Apr 5, 1899 Issue date: Jul 11, 1899


Was able to visit with Holli's family for Thanksgiving as everyone knows. I felt humbled that another generation knows "Aunt Lissie". What a great blessing it has been to me in my life to see the Eberly children grow when they were wee ones! I love seeing their children growing now too! I actually forgot about this blog and came across it when I was looking up Ida Leah Adam and Dewey D. Houck today! I will try to post new information on the ancestors here as I find it!